
The Snowshoe Cat is a a unique mix of elegance with the firm and muscular build of the American Shorthair. Their face is less angular than the Siamese, but their eyes are still striking and their ears tall and pointed. It is thought that the world's favourite angry feline, 'Grumpy Cat' may be a Snowshoe Cat!

Country of Origin

White when born and as they age they grow in colour–usually becoming blue or seal.

An annual health check is all the Snowshoe will need to be healthy as they tend not to have any breed specific ailments.
Life Span

11-13 years

The Snowshoe is an animated and intelligent cat who likes to fetch and play games to keep occupied.
Suitability (Children)

The Snowshoe needs enough food to support their active lifestyle though they generally stay slim and fit.

Feeding Cost
Hair Shed
An annual health check is all the Snowshoe will need to be healthy as they tend not to have any breed specific ailments.
Grooming Requirements
The Snowshoe doesn't need any specific grooming but will enjoy a good brush and a cuddle!
The Snowshoe cat is an increasingly popular breed around the world. They were originally bred in the 1960s from a cross between a Siamese and American short hairs. The breed was so well received by the community that they have since become very popular around the world.

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